Saturday, September 6, 2008

Best Food For Prostate Health

When you are thinking about your prostate health, one thing that you need to be concerned about is the best food for prostate health.

Doctors are realizing that nutrition has a lot to do with prostate health and when you are making choices about your diet, there are definitely a few things that you should keep in mind.

By taking a real interest in the food that you eat and how it affects your body, you'll be in a much better position to improve your health both in terms of the prostate and in terms of your health in general.

While the etiology of prostate health issues is still under discussion, there are many different factors that can be traced to the likelihood of a person experiencing these issues at some point in their lives.

Genetics plays a role, as does age and location; American men who are over the age of 50 are at a higher risk of experiencing prostate problems than men who are younger.

One of the largest and most important reasons to pay attention to your diet is because obesity is one of the leading factors in whether a man develops prostate cancer. If a man has gained more than three pounds a year between the ages of 25 and 50, there is a 50 percent higher chance that he will develop prostate cancer than otherwise.

With this link between weight and prostate health, it is clear that taking a good look at your diet will go a long way towards ensuring your overall well-being.

If you are looking to eat in a way that improves your prostate health, there are many options open to you.

Maximize the presence of fruits, vegetables and grains in your diet.

Place a certain amount of emphasis on leafy vegetables like broccoli, kale and cabbage. There is a clear link between cruciferous vegetables and a resistance to prostate cancer.

Similarly, although scientists have declared that eating a can of tomatoes every week has no effect on preventing prostate cancer, it is still important to remember that tomatoes provide you with an excellent source of vitamin C and other nutrients.

Eating to ensure prostate health relies on the vegetables you eat being in as pure a condition as possible; far too often, the food that you purchase at the grocery store is far too processed to give you the nutrients that you need; the processing and the preservatives that go into most food products will actually give you a detrimental effect!

Look for whole foods when you shop; whole foods have had their processing kept to an absolute minimum, and there are usually no preservatives added at all.

Whole foods are the best way to make sure that you are getting all the nutrients you can out of your diet.

for more info about food nutrition just visit

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