Thursday, September 18, 2008

Herbs for Menopause Relief

Today, the number of women turning to herbs for menopause relief is staggering. With great concern about hormone replacement therapy in recent years, we now see women interested in avoiding chemicals and toxins, preferring a natural path. Because there are so many women now seeking alternatives to traditional treatment for menopause, more investigation is being done to find new options in addition to those that have been used by naturalists for hundreds of years. If you are like so many women who want to find relief from night sweats, hot flashes, joint pain, insomnia, and depression the natural way, then we believe this article will expose you to some excellent options.

First, a great herb for menopause relief, especially when it comes to many of the annoying symptoms is called Dong Quai. In Chinese medicine, Dong Quai, the root of the angelica sinesis plant, helps with many menopausal symptoms. Interestingly, while many women will use this natural herb for menopause relief alone, in Chinese medicine, it is always used as a supportive herb. Regardless, many studies have been performed whereby women taking 1500 mgs of this herb three times a day had improvement in symptoms.

Another popular herb for menopause relief is red clover. Affordable and easy to find, this herb has been used in the United States for more than 100 years. Containing phytoestrogens, which are hormone-like substances, found in certain plants such as soy, red clover is wonderful for treatment of vaginal dryness and hot flashes. Typically, a woman would take between 40 and 60 mgs for about 12 weeks. The reason this is not a long-term treatment option is that red clover has been shown to stimulate cancer cells in the breast.

Next on the list of herbs for menopause relief is black cohosh. This herb is a member of the buttercup family and considered one of the most popular, natural treatment options for menopause. You can purchase black cohosh as a supplement from a health food store or in brand form such as Remifemin. When it comes to anxiety, depression, night sweats, and hot flashes, black cohosh works exceptionally well. Other herbs for menopause relief to consider include evening primrose oil, chaste tree berry, tribulus, St. John's Wort, soy, and ginseng, which seem to ease symptoms overall.

In addition to herbs for menopause relief, you have many other options such as vitamin E. In recent years, a number of studies have been performed showing that vitamin E brings relief for miserable hot flashes. Wild yam is also an option, which can be found in many types of progesterone creams. For this, women experience fewer and less intense hot flashes, the number one complaint among menopausal women. With so much negative attention on hormone replacement therapy, you might consider herbs for menopause relief. In many cases, the natural approach is more successful in treating the body during the change of life than traditional drugs.

About The Author

Dawn M. Olsen is an Advocate for Better Womens Health through Education, Recipe Developer, Soy Food Enthusiast and the Author of "Menopause A to Z - A Definitive Guide to Modern Menopause available online now at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I personally used a red clover supplement when I was going through the menopause. I can vouch for the products' effectiveness and relief it provided me from the severe vaginal dryness I experienced, which was extremely uncomfortable.